Support the social and emotional development of youth in our community - Make a difference today!
Your donation keeps kids engaged and empowered
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We are fundraising to sustain our programming!
All RYC programs and services support the development of social and emotional learning core competencies. Social and emotional learning is the process for understanding yourself, managing your emotions and feelings, and your relationships with others. It's about the skills necessary to cultivate the ability to have healthy connections or relationships. Social and emotional skills are the glue that holds everything together – they provide the foundation children need to find balance and focus, excel through transitions and become strong, independent, and resilient individuals.
Rye Youth Council programs increase protective factors and reduce risk factors for youth in our community. Our primary goal is to engage, educate and empower youth to make informed and responsible decisions and to provide a foundation for them to become self-reliant and compassionate young adults who can confidently navigate their world and contribute to their community.